What is SGPA in result? SGPA calculation formula

SGPA system in result

You often seen a term in university result called 'SGPA'. In education results this term is really significant. Here we will understand what is SGPA and SGPA calculation formula.

For the benefit of discussion, we have taken examples of SGPA on the basis of Calcutta University's system. But this method is applicable universally for all educational results.

CU or Calcutta University determines Grade Point (GP) of each subject before calculating semester SGPA.

Here, Grade Point of each subject equals to Percentage Scored × 0.10. For example, suppose if someone has scored 70 out of 100 in a subject, his percentage will be 70 and Grade Point or GP will be (70 × 0.10) = 7.

Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) system

The full form of SGPA is Semester Grade Point Average. SGPA is basically the Weighted Average value of Grade Points. To know the SGPA calculation formula see below.

SGPA Calculation Formula

As you know, all the subjects of each semester have been assigned a 'Credit'. Credit is none but the importance index or weight of that particular subject. To calculate your SGPA, you have to multiply grade point of a subject with the credit of that particular subject. Likewise, when you determine the product (GP × Credit) for all subjects, add them up and then divide by the total credits of that semester and you will find the semester's SGPA. For example, let's assume there are only three subjects in a semester and a student's score and subject credits are as mentioned in the table below:

Subject Full marks Marks scored GP (% × 0.10) Credit Product (GP × Credit)
Microeconomics I and Statistics 100 80 8.000 6 48.000
Business Laws 100 63 6.300 4 25.200
Financial Accounting-I 100 90 9.000 6 54.000

Therefore, Total of Products = 127.200 and total of credits are 16.
Hence, SGPA obtained by the student in that particular semester will be = (Total of Products ÷ Total Credits) = (127.200 ÷ 16) = 7.950

Calcutta University (CU) represents SGPA upto three digits after decimal. So we have written the value of SGPA as 7.950. Alternatively, it can be written as 7.95.

Formula to convert SGPA to Percentage

I don't think there is a flawless formula to convert SGPA into percentage value. But many sources claim SGPA can be converted to percentage by the following formula:

Percentage = (SGPA - 0.75) × 10

You can try the above formula but I'ld suggest if you know your subject wise grade points, then just use this formula to convert GP to Percentage:

Percentage (%) = (GP × 10)

Hope, you have understood the SGPA grading system for universities and its formula. If you still want more clarification, comment below!

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